Secrets and truth revealed, Jack attempts to make sense of a new reality. The world is rapidly moving toward a new order of centralized management and structure. Much of the country is in deep recession, and rumors of a failing dollar are rampant. The International Monetary Fund has started to issue something called Special Drawing Rights to ease international trading confusion. Earthquakes are becoming frequent in places other than just California, and discussions of new FEMA camps are now common.
Many recognize the changes, but few seem to know why, while others claim flexibility will be the key to success under the new changes, and pride themselves on their adaptability. Since tax exemption status has been eliminated from religious facilities, most of the local churches have been converted to social gathering places for community events. Of course a few still have services when they can get away with it.
Mainstream news has finally started covering events that many believe will lead to World War III, but dismisses the uprisings as expected government transition pains. The stock market fluctuates wildly while CNBC increasingly describes it as the new normal.
Jack struggles to accept the revelation revealed in the secrets, but now recognizes the importance of world events and how they will dictate society's future. One night Jack makes contact with a very unexpected source and is given information that forever changes his sense of reality. Jack must now decide, with unimaginable power and knowledge, do you save yourself or save the world.
Timely, Intense, and Scary as Hell.
All Gods Are Not Created Equal!
Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!